European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards

Local governments and authorities can provide the commitment and innovation in cities that are needed to tackle and solve many of these problems. The European Green Capital and the European Green Leaf Awards are initiatives to promote and reward these efforts.

The European Green Capital Awards are the result of an initiative between 15 European cities (Tallinn, Helsinki, Riga, Vilnius, Berlin, Warsaw, Madrid, Ljubljana, Prague, Vienna, Kiel, Kotka, Dartford, Tartu, and Glasgow) and the Alliance. The European Green Leaf Award was born out of the success of the European Green Capital Award and the need to recognize smaller cities in 2015. It is open to all European cities with a population of between 20 000 and 100 000 inhabitants.

Valencia was the winning city in 2024. Valencia was awarded the title of European Green Capital 2024 for its past and current achievements in sustainable tourism, climate neutrality, and a fair and inclusive green transition. 97% of the city’s population lives within 300 meters of green urban areas.

Valencia’s ambitious sustainability strategy has earned it the title of Green Capital. For decades, the city has been driven by a bold civic movement that sustains real change. The values of the people of Valencia. This year will improve the citizens’ experience and give them even more support to make the change we all need to achieve for a better future. 

Valencia’s motto is “Together in Mission” and the city authorities are working with citizens to achieve their climate neutrality and environmental goals.

Being the European Green Capital has many advantages:

  • Positive media coverage
  • Positive publicity Positive publicity
  • New opportunities
  • Increased focus on environmental projects through sponsorship
  • Momentum to further improve environmental sustainability
  • Increase local pride and a sense of belonging
  • Participation in the European Green Capital network
  • Organize national and international events (opening ceremony, jury meeting, EU Green
  • Capital Award ceremony for awards, networking meetings, etc.)
  • Participation in prestigious international events (EU Green Week, award ceremonies, etc.)

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